Executive Coaching

What is Coaching?*

Here at Kube & Company, we approach executive coaching as an ongoing partnership designed to help clients produce fulfilling results in their personal and professional lives. Coaching help people improve their performances and enhance the quality of their lives.

As a coach we are trained to listen, to observe and to customize the approach to your individual needs. We seek to elicit solutions and strategies from your – the client; we believe you are naturally creative and resourceful. Our job is to provide support to enhance the skills, resources, and creativity that you already have. While we provide feedback and an objective perspective, you are responsible for taking the steps to produce the results that you desire.

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Coaching is an interactive process that helps individuals and organizations to develop more rapidly and produce more satisfying results. We work with clients in all areas including business, career, finances, health and relationships. As a result of coaching, our clients set better goals, take more action, make better decisions, and more fully use their natural strengths.

Executive Coaching

People hire a coach when they are starting a new business, making a career transition, reevaluating their life choices, working toward challenging goals, or simply feeling ready for a personal or professional breakthrough.

The International Coaching Federation estimates that there are currently 50,000 part-time and full-time coaches worldwide. Coaching has been covered extensively in Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report, Money, USA Today, Fast Company, New Age Journal, Industry Week, Inc., the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Management Review, Kiplinger's Personal Finance, Men's Health, Bloomberg Personal, Newsday, etc.

*includes content utilized by ICF Phoenix Chapter for clarification and attribution.